Sonntag, 27. März 2011


Frederick W. Glasier (1866-1950) was an American photographer, known for his circus images. Glasier made extraordinary photographs of the American circus between 1890 and 1925, during its heyday. I’ve fallen in love with those pictures from the moment I saw them first. There is this feeling of melancholy when you try to imagine this life they lived more than a hundred years ago. The glorious days of the circus, which ended a long time ago.

The book circus is available here.

All captions from Circus: The Photographs of Frederick W. Glasier copyright © Deborah W. Walk/Eakins Press Foundation, 2009. All photographs by Frederick W. Glasier are copyright © Eakins Press Foundation/John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art, 2009.

Donnerstag, 24. März 2011

Maybe I'm lucky today

Meine erfolgreichen Teilnahmen an Gewinnspielen kann man an einer Hand abzählen. Trotzdem konnte ich bei den super süßen Preisen die es bei Pays des Merveilles zu gewinnen gibt nicht widerstehen und hoffe, dass mir das Glück vielleicht dieses Mal hold ist.